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ATS has been awarded of the contract for the revamping of the flue gas treatment for the district heating of Reims (France)

Reims district heating network has been realized in 1972. Designed at the time to operate mainly with fuel oil and natural gas as support.


Aerial view of the city of Reims (France)

A lot of changes have been made since then. Among the most important we can remember the realization of a coal boiler in 1987 and the connection of the Waste to Energy unit of REMIVAL the following year. The latter allowed the plant to produce a portion of heat needed by recovering the energy generated by the combustion of waste. Finally, in 2003, an additional natural gas generator was added.

Since October 2012, the network also included a biomass power plant that completes the alternation of fuels and allows the network to work with over 50% of renewable energies. A network that operates at high pressure, for a total length of 16km and provides heat to approximately 17,000 equivalent housing, providing heat to:

  • Croix Rouge, Croix du Sud, Pays de France and Val de Murigny districts
  • The Faculty of Law and Litterature
  • Reims Hospital – Maison Blanche, Robert Debré, Résidence Roux
  • Schools and colleges of Croix Rouge and Val de Murigny districts

Coming back to the fuel composition of the plant managed by ENGIE Réseaux (Soccram), a key role is provided by the coal-powered G5 generator, which, to date, with its 42MW thermal power, on the overall 155MW of the plant, is the one with higher thermal potential of the entire plant. However, this generator is today limited due to the increasingly stringent regulations concerning atmospheric emissions, so ENGIE has decided to entrust Air Treatment System with the contract for the renewal of the flue gas treatment connected to that. This operation is part of the Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75 / EU, also known as the IED Directive, which defines an integrated approach for the prevention and reduction of industrial emissions.

In particular ATS will focus on:

  1. Improve the efficiency of the combustion system in order to reduce CO emissions.
  2. Realize a new DeNOx SNCR system by injection of urea solution in the combustion chamber to neutralize NOx.
  3. Transform the existing ESP into a fabric filter in order to inject premilled bicarbonate just upstream the new filter to remove all the acids still present in the flue gas (in particular, as a coal boiler, sulfur oxides: SOx).